豆仁店主・中村 誠一
こうして、世の中の様々な年代の方が安心して召し上がって頂けて、健康のサポートをしてくれる豆菓子として、日本で初めてとなる「カシューナッツ専門店 豆仁」を立ち上げる運びとなりました。
About Us
Seiichi Nakamura, Owner & CEO of Mamezin
Before Mamezin, I was a bodywork therapist practicing preventive medicine and dietary education. The more I learned about these therapies, the more keenly aware I became of how our daily eating habits affect our physical condition. No matter how much we adjust our skeletal misalignment or relieve muscle tension, the fundamental well-being of our body will continue to suffer as long as our body’s internal environment remains out of alignment and tense.
Ask yourself the following questions:
· Do I often indulge in sugary foods?
· Do I tend to opt for oily and/or salty foods?
· Do I find myself grabbing artificially flavored/colored ready-made foods full of preservatives?
Eating good food is directly linked to getting your body into shape and maintaining good health. It may be an old cliché, but we really are what we eat. I asked myself: What can I do to help make my clients become healthier? How can I help them maintain a healthy eating habit?
What caught my attention were “beans and nuts” also known as high-quality natural supplements. That was the beginning of our story. Mamezin became Japan’s first store to specialize in cashew nuts, delicious and healthy snacks for people across generations.
Beans and nuts contain essential amino acids. Cashews, in particular, have a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids that break down excess body fat that result in many health benefits. Adding a handful of nuts to your daily diet will help you feel your best. Make them your go-to snacks when you need to munch on something!
Mamezin’s products are made of real, natural ingredients. For example, we use soy-based lecithin as emulsifiers and vitamins C and E as antioxidants. Instead of refined sugar, we use beet sugar that is rich in fermentable oligosaccharides, natural probiotics that regulate our gastrointestinal environment.
Mamezin is particular about using top quality cashews grown in Vietnam. Every year, we travel to Vietnam to procure and purchase the best cashews. That is why our cashews are very fresh and flavorful even when they are eaten raw.
Our experienced craftsmen roast the cashews and coat them with natural flavors with great care and attention using traditional methods that have been handed down from generation to generation. Every step is a manual process. That is how our cashews are perfectly roasted and flavored each time, made possible by true craftsmanship.
At Mamezin, we are committed to everything handmade with affection, attention, and devotion. This, we believe, adds to the delicious flavors and delight that only Mamezin’s exclusive products can offer.
Find your favorite cashew nuts at Mamezin. Be nuts about our cashews and your health!